After finishing his Jacques Lecocq theatre training in Brussels, Yvan toured across the USA in “The 3 Musketeers”, he gave his voice to the animated character of Sinbad the sailor, or fought savagely in 13th century Ireland in “Pilgrimage” which will be released on the big screen this year 2017. In NercomanceR, The Musical he will send shivers down your spine, playing Trubshaw, the gatekeeper of Hell.

Get in Touch
Have you got any powerful creative project you wanna share ? Any beautiful insight to enlight my soul ? A future shooting in Hollow Earth, or on the Moon ? Or just on Earth ? In other Dimensions ?
Any musketeer needed ? An evil king in his castle ? Any singing knight or swordfighting angel ? Any elf connecting to spirits of Nature ? Any wandering soul, traveling outside or inside ? …. Ooooooh, come like-minded souls, come… I’d be happy to know you, and reach any side of this Planet together.